

的 科罗拉多大学 application process is largely similar across citizenship cohorts. International students may use the same application platforms (either the Common Application, 联盟/ Scoir应用程序, 或QuestBridge Application),并在相同的截止日期前申请. 下面强调了一些不同之处.


学生 who will be seeking an F-1 visa or who will remain on another visa status during their time at CC are considered 国际 students.

如果你有美国双重国籍, 和/或是在国外学习多年的美国公民, you are considered an American citizen as you do not need to apply for a visa to attend CC. You are still welcome to attend our 国际 student orientation and connect with 国际 organizations on campus. DACA and undocumented students residing in the US who will not pursue an F-1 visa are considered domestic students. 


所需的所有项目 决策计划截止日期 供招生委员会充分考虑. 请注意,申请赌博正规的十大网站是不收费的.

We accept the Common Application, 联盟/ Scoir应用程序, or QuestBridge Application. 我们建议所有学生从提交初步申请开始.

初步应用 是免费的吗, fast application to provide us with better insight into how we can better serve you, 学生. Based on what you tell us, we will provide information to help you through the application process.

除了你所选择的申请所需的论文之外, all applicants will be required to complete one Supplemental Essay for their application to be considered complete.

关于赌博正规的十大网站的街区规划, 学生们一次只专注于一门课, 培养与同学和教授的深入接触和勇敢的对话. 我们拥抱不同的观点,鼓励学生以不同的方式思考.   

在寻找谁将在CC茁壮成长的学生, 我们想更多地了解你的背景和经历.   

回答下面的提示之一, feel free to highlight any aspects of your self-identity that will help us know you better. 这可以包括, 但不限于, 性别认同, 第一代身份, 比赛, 种族, 政治观点, 社会经济背景, 灵性, 或者地理来源.  特别是在种族方面, please note that in a 2023 majority decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, 首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨说, “Nothing in this opinion should be construed as prohibiting universities from considering an applicant’s discussion of how 比赛 affected the applicant’s life, 通过歧视, 灵感, 或以其他方式.”  

  • Tell us about a time when you learned from an experience that challenged your perspective. 
  • Provide one or two specific examples from your life that demonstrate your potential to advance CC’s commitment to antiracism. 
  • Describe how your personal experiences with a particular community make you a student who would benefit from 科罗拉多大学’s Block Plan.

访问我们的 2023-24补充论文页 获取更多提示和见解. 推荐长度:250 - 300字.

We require your transcript(s) through the end of your junior year and will eventually require your Mid-Year Report—first semester or trimester of your senior year—and Final Report grades. 辅导员推荐信是推荐的,但不是必需的. Official transcripts issued in languages other than English must be translated into English by a certified translator and submitted along with the original official documents.

我们需要两份教师评估,最好是大三的, 来自核心科目:英语或语言艺术的老师, 数学, 科学, 社会研究, 还有外语. 老师的推荐信, 监事, 教练, 其他人被接受了,可以通过电子邮件发送给 admission@mokmingsky.com.

这一项只适用于申请赌博正规的十大网站的提前决定学生. 有关决策计划的更多信息,请继续浏览 决定计划 & 截止日期部分.

赌博正规的十大网站是 test-optional and does not have an English Language Proficiency testing requirement for students whose native language is English or for students whose primary language of instruction has been English for the last three or more years.

If applying from a school where English is not the primary language of instruction, 英语不是你的第一语言, 和/或您不是国际文凭课程(IBDP)的学生, 强烈建议申请人提交英语水平分数 多邻国英语测试 (依据).

A limited number of fee waivers for Duolingo exams are available for 科罗拉多大学 applicants. 一旦你开始申请赌博正规的十大网站,请发邮件 admission@mokmingsky.com 按照你的要求.


  • InitialView or Vericant 面试
  • 英语作为外语考试(托福)
    • 网考:推荐成绩100分以上
    • ITP exam: students who submit these scores are strongly recommend to submit an IntialView or Vericant interview).
  • 皮尔逊学术英语测试(PTE):推荐成绩68分或更高
  • 国际英语语言测试系统(IELTS):推荐成绩7分.0或更高

科罗拉多大学 considers the highest score from a single sitting of all English Proficiency exams. We have no minimum scores that would automatically eliminate an application; we provide these recommended scores as context for applicants. 请联系 admission@mokmingsky.com with questions and contact your college counselor for fee waivers for all English Proficiency exams except the DET.

We invite students interested in the arts to submit an optional art supplement in visual art, 音乐, 跳舞, 剧院, 创意写作或电影. 学生 may upload media for their art supplement to their Applicant Portal after submitting the 初步应用. 学生 can also indicate whether or not they'd like to submit an art supplement within their Applicant Portal.

显示所有 / 隐藏所有

决定计划 & 最后期限

学生可以选择申请提前决定(有约束力), 早期行动(不具约束力), 或常规的操作(非约束性). 早期的决定 is a binding method of application where 学生 commits to attend prior to receiving an offer of admission. 提早行动 and 常规的操作 are non-binding and students are able to consider their options until the 5月1日 National 回函 Date.

的最后期限 决定发布 回函
11月1日 12月中旬 1月
提早行动 11月1日 12月下旬 5月1日
1月15日 2月中旬 3月
常规的操作 1月15日 3月中旬 5月1日

金融援助 & 奖学金

Prospective 国际 students who wish to apply for financial aid should indicate that on their application (the application specifically asks if you will be applying for financial aid). Eligibility is determined from the financial data you provide through your submitted financial aid materials.

  • 如果你就读于联合世界学院(UWC),并且正在申请经济援助, 您将需要完成CSS配置文件. 联系 financialaid@mokmingsky.com 关于CSS配置文件费用减免.
  • 如果你没有参加UWC,并且正在申请经济援助,你可以申请助学金 will have the option to submit either the CSS Profile (and pay any College Board assessed fees) or 赌博正规的十大网站ISFAA.  

Merit-based scholarships are selected by the strength of 学生's academic work, 包括学校表现, 当然严格, 标准化考试成绩, 文章的质量, 以及老师的建议. 没有单独的择优奖学金申请.

赌博正规的十大网站每年向非美国学生颁发奖学金.S. 公民和非欧盟国家公民.S. 作为攻读学位的学生入学的永久居民.

We evaluate the amount each family can contribute toward the total cost of atten跳舞, 包括学费, 住房, 餐, 健康保险, 书, 个人支出, 以及往返学生祖国的交通.



有关签证申请流程的问题, 请发邮件给我们的国际学生和学者专家: isss@mokmingsky.com.

科罗拉多大学 also offers an International Student Orientation and the opportunity for non-native English speakers to work individually with a Culture and Linguistic 多样性 Education Specialist. We value and support 国际 students by providing academic and cultural support via our 文化和语言多样性教育办公室, 是什么赋予和支持CC社区参与跨文化活动, 国际, 以及利用街区计划的机会进行体验式学习.

赌博正规的十大网站也是戴维斯联合世界学院的合作伙伴. If you would like to connect with a Davis Scholar at 科罗拉多大学, please email admission@mokmingsky.com.




CC的 Bilibili 页面

报告问题 - 最后更新: 08/17/2023